Professional Video Editing Software That Can Empower Movie Making
Professional video editing software is a must have tool for serious video editors. Free editing software is fine for beginners and the occasional do it yourself home video editors, but if you want to take your editing to the next level, you need a professional video editing software.Editing is a very personal experience, so the tools that an editor uses can vary dramatically. Most professional video editing software offer the editor many choices for performing the same task. The reason behind this is quite simple, all editors are different. Let me explain. If you come from a background where you are heavy into the keyboard, you will want to be able to perform all the editing functions from the keyboard. If you like the mouse, you would want to edit using mainly the mouse. In short, the best professional video editing software allows the video editor to tailor the program to the way that he. or she, likes to edit. The more options that are available, the more flexibility the editor has when performing different tasks.To some editors, this can be overwhelming, but it really should not be. Think of professional video editing software as you would a quality sports car. The sports car really shines at 140 miles per hour, but it is also really comfortable doing 55! Almost all programs have a simplified, quick start menu that will get you doing basic editing immediately. Once you have mastered those techniques, you can then move on and gradually add new tools to you movie editing repertoire.Everything in professional movie editing software should enhance your ability to edit quickly and easily. Why use 10 keystrokes, or mouse clicks to perform a function when one or two will do the same job just fine. The best programs allow you to spend your time expanding your editing creativity, rather than being drained by spending your time figuring out how to coax the software into perform the edit that you wish to make.If this is your first time moving from basic free video editing, to professional video editor software, I would recommend spending some time in chat rooms asking questions about the different functions that you want the software to perform for you. This is time well spent, that will enable you to pick the right software for you when you are ready to take the plunge.The right professional video editing software will free you up to take your editing into a more creative mode. When the software gives you multiple doors to open, the natural tendency is to explore those new areas, rather than be intimidated and shy away from them. In the end, the professional video editing software that you choose should offer you the most options to expand your video editing creativity along with the ease of use that will encourage you to explore those options.
Business Branding for Success
Every successful entrepreneur and business has a BRAND, The one thing you must have if you want to be successful is Branding that is consistent with you and your business.Branding separates you from your competition and gives you credibility. It’s what makes people want to tell other people about you, and makes them want to invest and buy from you again and again. Without branding businesses cannot survive.Your Visibility is more important than your ability. It is important to be visible. To increase your visibility Branding is important to the recognition of your business. People need to know who you are, remember you, prefer to buy from you and refer other people to you. See the following and you should aim for Brand Insistence and Brand Advocacy.a. Brand Awareness – they know your nameb. Brand preference – prefer to use you when possiblec. Brand insistence – will only buy your product or serviced. Brand advocacy – they tell other people about youDevelop a strong Logo and a Slogan for your business using something that is memorable so people will remember the name.It’s important to control your Brand. A lack of brand control is like having no-one at the steering wheel when driving, you need to control it.1) Your Brand is whatever people’s first impression is of you.2) It should be consistent3) It should be congruent – everything in your business should be in line with your Brand4) It creates loyal clients5) It should make the clients feel they are getting value6) It should invoke an emotional experience7) It should be something people can relate toPoints your want you need to consider when Brandinga. Profitability – will it help you become profitableb. Marketability – is it something you can Marketc. Credibility – is it Credibled. Visability – how will you make it visiblee. Invisability – you need to ensure you stand out and you are not invisiblef. Instability – does it invoke stabilityFor long term Brand Equity consider the following:1. The money required to Brand yourself2. How to Brand yourself3. What to Brand4. Is it consistent and congruent with you and your business5. When you look in the mirror is it something you can relate toConsiderations:
Personal Branding (remember it is a representation of yourself)
Brand Association (Brand your business so it is congruent with your personal Branding)
Brand Innovation (is it different and innovative)
Brand Credibility (is it credible so it is perceived as positive by your prospects)
Branding is difficult to do
Each time a client buys or invests in you, you have correctly Branded yourself
Branding is a Creative Art
Branding requires presentation, persuasive selling and negotiation
When a person is Branded they create their own mark
Analyzing your prospective clients motivation to buy is key to building your Brand
Branding by message control – Be sure that you control the message you are putting out.
Reasons people will buy from you.1. They have a problem you can solve for them2. They have a problem or need but are not sure if it can be solved(Brand to convince them that you are the authority – not just an expert)3. The person has zero need for your product or service but you convince them they need it4. People will buy from you to alleviate dissatisfaction with another product or service5. You promote your product or service to whatever they currently have – this is Brand positioning6. You overcome their fear of change and persuade them to step outside of their comfort zone – having a Brand gives them peace of mind7. You Brand yourself as a natural extension to their lives. A compliment rather than a disruptive change.Basic Rules:1. The customer is always right2. When in doubt refer back to number 1There is a difference between needs and wantsThere are 5 basic fears preventing people from taking action. A Branded individual, product or service can overcome these.a. Fearb. Procrastination or lack of focusc. Lack of Educationd. Time Managemente. AccountabilitySuccessful businesses talk about what they “can” do for the client, the average business talks about what “it is” they can do for the client. Brand to the WIFM formula and take care of the SO WHAT.People will buy the brand rather than the product. Your reputation is linked directly to your Brand.i.e Labeled Handbags, Clothing, Shoes, Coffee shops, Restaurants and more.People do business with you not because you have the best product but because they like and trust you. This is something you cannot buy.People don’t buy car insurance they buy security. Branding gives people a sense of security.It’s important to understand the primary and secondary influences.a. Primary – reasons they buy without thinkingb. Secondary – these are excuses and reasons people rationalize why they shouldn’t buyAll buying decisions are emotional, rarely logical. People will invest logically but buy emotionally. Your Branding needs to set up the framework to match this.You need to understand the left versus the right brain decision making. Left brains think rationally, numbers etc. the right brain person thinks artistically and creatively (45% left brained, 45% right brained and 10% both) Build your Brand so it appeals to both left and right brained people – it will be your key to success.Find the emotional red button that would make people buy your product or service and build your Brand around it. The best way to do this is to create surveys so you are asking your prospective customer directly.6 Ways to Brand yourself.1. Achievement2. Association3. Authoring a book4. Reciprocation5. 3rd Party recognition6. Charitable donationAlways under promise and over deliverLaunch then link all elements of your business and any other businesses you have to that Brand. There should be congruency throughout your business so everything relates to everything else.In other words your signage, websites, stationery, business cards and everything in your business should reflect your logo and slogan and have the same colors and text so they are uniform and people will remember you. It is best NOT to use your name.Appearance is also a key element, you should dress according to the type of business you are in, and the type of image you wish to portray. Remember your appearance reflects your business, so dress accordingly in congruence with your business.Using Hotmail, Gmail and other similar generic email addresses does not give status to your business, Use email addresses that reflect your business, preferably the same email address as your website. Before using your first name in email addresses consider that first names in email addresses tend to indicate a small company. If you are looking to appear as a big company use something more corporate.It isn’t easy to do but if you master it your business will become recognized and successful.For more information on growing a successful business check below
Web Design Prices and Costs – How to Get A Fair Web Design Quote
If you’re looking at commissioning a web designer to build you a website, one of the first things that you will need to know, is the monetary cost. This article will explain to you why there is such a huge variance between web designers and their quotes and will give you some advice as to how much you can expect to pay to contract a competent web designer in the UK.First of all you have to have a rough idea of what it is that you want from your website. You have to have thought of what you want to achieve with the website. What are its objectives? You will then need to have thought of a basic structure for your website. There are many website examples out there for you to have a look at; the important thing is to have an idea about what structure you want for the site – meaning a rough outline of the numbers of pages and the content (text and images) that will make up each page.Once you have your project objectives in mind and a rough idea of your websites structure you are in a position to start contacting suppliers. There are multitudes of web design companies everywhere and in our particular area of the UK – Doncaster there are lots of web design companies to choose from. The key thing to remember is that everyone wants your business. The web design marketplace is completely saturated so you as the buyer have the upper hand!As in all other industries there are people who provide excellent service, there are people who provide an average service and there are also cowboys (people who sell web design services without the necessary knowledge and experience to do so).What you have to think to yourself is this: If a person promises me the earth for £1 does that mean to say that they can deliver it? The best advice I can give is to be realistic. There are lots of really good city based web design companies throughout the UK that provide excellent services. They are always there to take your calls and you even get your own personal account manager to handle your requests and hold your hand through the entire web design process. The services of such companies are wonderful but this obviously comes at a price. City based offices, account managers and admin staff are large overheads and the prices charged by large city based web design companies reflect this. If you have a modestly sized website, which needs to be under content management system control, don’t be surprised if the web design quote runs into tens of thousands of pounds from a major city based web design company. If you are looking for a top quality 100% inclusive, comprehensive service and your company can afford this kind of bill then I would suggest using a big city company every time.Then there are the smaller companies that are made up of just a few individuals. These types of companies have much lower overheads and frequently have very knowledgeable and capable staff. The service level can be much lower than that of major city based web design companies but you can get some excellent work done by such companies at a fraction of cost of the large city based companies.A much overlooked group of web designers that can produce some excellent web designs are the wide community of freelance web designers. Freelance web designers are private, self employed individuals who work from small offices (they frequently work from home). Freelancers have very low (mostly non existent) overheads. As such they can provide quality web design work for much lower costs than larger web design companies. If you are looking for good quality web design for less money then it definitely work looking at using a quality freelance web designer.The people that you really need to avoid are the web design cowboys. As stated above cowboys are people who sell web design services without the necessary knowledge and experience to do so. If you are unfortunate enough to have contracted someone like this in the past you will be aware of the low quality work that they produce and the lack of significant results that they achieve. Cowboys invariable promise you the earth for a £1. Use your common sense and if someone is quoting you £100 for something that 5 other companies are charging around £4000 for, you know that something is not quite right. Remember the old adage – buy cheap, buy twice!Conclusion:You will find a great deal of variance between web design quotes depending on what level of web designer you choose to contract and what level of service you require. Always make sure to get as many quotes and talk to as many people as you can so a) see what’s available on the market and b) get an unbiased idea of the likely costs involved. There are lots of good web designers out there but there are also a lot of lesser skilled web designers and even some of the proverbial cowboys. Make sure to use good common sense and get a feel for the web designer’s skills and experience when you meet them. No matter how charming a person is, experience is very hard to fake. Ask to see examples of their work and where they have done similar work to your proposed project. Remember – you have the upper hand!
Successful Product Launching
If you have to pick one thing that matters the most in the success of a new product, it has to be the product launch. No matter what kind of a product you are marketing, its launch will instantly determine the success or the failure of this product. A lot of research goes into the commercialization of products to derive maximum profits at the introduction stage.Product launching requires a lot of planning in terms of targeting the customers, sales, distribution, sales force training and development, etc. This is because it is not just about bringing a product from your production setup to the market, but also about how well you are able to do it so that the product is visible and available to the right people, in the right manner, at the right place and time.Before launching a new product, firms must do a lot of background research. They must identify best customer segments, and the best positioning strategy against the competition. Distribution channels and their management also play a key role in success of a product because the product must be made available to the right people who are your target market segment. It is also very important that the firm identify the best marketing mix for the new product, which includes the price, distribution, product features, and packaging.Many things have changed today because of the sophistication of customers and technology. Firms need to have an integrated approach for launching new products. This integration requires firms to create and establish traditional, online as well as social marketing tools at the same time for launching their product.Through the traditional methods such as television, radio, and print media products are exposed to the masses. Since these traditional methods still have a massive appeal, these methods are most commonly used for new product launches in retail and manufacturing. In addition to these methods, the importance of trade shows, promotional events, direct mail, advertising, etc., cannot be ignored. These are tried and tested methods that are sure to generate interest of the consumer.Online advertising and email marketing are two great options that can be used for product launches. These are extremely popular tools amongst businesses and hold considerable influence over the customers. Email campaigns have proved to be quiet effective in brand building for a new product launch. Online advertising through popular channels such as Google AdWords or pay per click service also widely affects the buying behavior of the customer.In this age of social networking, it would be foolish to overlook websites such as Twitter and Facebook. These websites are extremely popular in people of all ages and backgrounds. Therefore, you will be able to expose yourself to a huge audience both young and old.On the other hand, blogs have also found their way in product launches because of their increasing appeal to the masses. Similarly, online retailing is another great way to influence successful product launch. If you can’t open your own online retail setup, you can partner with big names such as Amazon, Google product search, and eBay, etc.There are many forms of advertising that can be used for product launching. If you are launching a new product, there has to be some type of experience in marketing or either you are partnering with an individual or company that has experience. Product launches are very important and keep the energy up in businesses online and offline.I love the excitement of launching new products. If you would like assistance or even advice in launching your own products, please look me up. I would be happy to meet you. Never say that you can’t do it.
What are anti-ligature blinds?
Anti-ligature blinds are becoming increasingly popular in a range of different settings. The way these blinds differ from traditional blinds is that they are designed to prevent suicide by hanging.
Initially, uptake for this type of blind was largely restricted to high-risk environments such as psychiatric hospitals and prisons, where suicide is common. In mental health environments and detention centres, suicide via hanging is common and preventative measures must be implemented. A huge range of objects could be used to create a ligature point, meaning anti-ligature systems are highly important.
Over the years, anti-ligature blinds have been supplied to hospitals, schools, student accommodation and even hotels.
How do they work?
There are a range of different systems on the market, but the most reliable could well be the magnetic anti-ligature system. YewdaleKestrel® products utilise load release magnets which separate when a downward force is exerted on the product. This means that the product falls to the ground safely and prevents suicide via hanging.
The magnetic systems used in Yewdale’s products are highly reliable because magnets don’t lose their strength for hundreds of years, guaranteeing a lifetime of lifesaving functionality.
Anti-ligature blinds usually have a magnetic connection point above the blind’s barrel. The blind is easy to reconnect to the magnetic bracket after it has fallen to the floor.
If you are considering an anti-ligature blind, Yewdale is a highly recommended company. Based in the UK, Yewdale produce a wide range of anti-ligature products, commercial blinds, and healthcare products including hospital cubicle tracks and medical curtains.
Yewdale produce other anti-ligature products too including a soft, lightweight en-suite door and other accessories such as soap dispensers, toilet roll holder, shelves and artwork. You can see the full range on the website using the link below.
Complete weight loss strategy
For those who want to lose weight
Research on the causes of obesity, knowledge about weight loss, and various diets for weight loss are updated every year. However, with the update of knowledge and the release of diet pills one after another, the obesity rate continues to rise every year, and there is no sign of wanting to decline. I used to be very, very fat, and I am also a person who is prone to obesity.
So I understand the voices of fat people, I really want to lose weight, but I tried many ways to lose weight at that time without success.
I have tried the common boiled meals on the market, eating less and moving more, but it was not until I tried other diets that I managed to lose weight. After I lost weight, I began to study the essence and method of losing weight, and wrote him in this weight loss strategy article, hoping to help you.
A few key myths about losing weight
The weight loss myth of eating less and moving more
The phrase “eat less and move more” is actually true, but most people do it wrong. Many people think that they should eat less of everything, so they limit their calories to a very low level, and it feels a bit like eating an ultra-low-calorie fairy meal. Then, for the hyperactive part, the first thing that everyone thinks of is aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, etc., but in fact, this is a very short-term and easy way to regain weight, mainly because eating too little is an easy way to lose weight. The reason for the loss of muscle mass, coupled with the fact that aerobic training is not helpful for muscle mass growth, causes the metabolism to drop too much.
Maybe you can lose 5 kilograms in this way, but if your metabolism declines, you will easily regain the weight. And it’s all the fat that gets back up, not the muscle you lose that makes you look fatter than before. This is what we call the yo-yo effect, lose weight, get fat back, get fatter than before, lose weight, get back on Fat, get fatter than before.
Stop taking diet pills and meal replacements
At this time, you may start to seek other ways, eat weight loss meal replacements, taking diet pills, and so on. But believe me, most diet pills will inevitably hurt the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract. You may actually lose weight in the moment, but when your gastrointestinal tract is damaged, you will be fatter than before.
The key to understanding how to lose weight
You must have thought, why some people will not gain weight no matter what they eat, while some people will gain a kilogram the next day after eating a little bread? What is the cause of obesity? This is not a simple answer that can be solved!
You can see the link to the picture below, mainly talking about the influencing factors of obesity, which are very, very complicated.
Image source:
In the middle of this picture is the heat balance
So we can know that calorie balance is very important
But this article doesn’t keep preaching that calorie balance is the key to losing weight like other sites
If you don’t know what calorie balance is, you can probably imagine that our body has calorie consumption (exercise, thermogenesis, basal metabolism), and calorie intake (eating).
When calorie consumption exceeds calorie intake, the weight will drop, so the truth of weight loss is to eat less and move more, very simple. In the short term, it is really possible to simply achieve weight loss by eating less and moving more, but simplicity is not simple, because the operation of the body is very complicated. Many people think that they can control their calorie consumption, that they can achieve a lot of calorie expenditure by running all the time, and that eating fairy meals (low-calorie meals) can reduce calorie intake and then easily lose it.
However, according to research, 90% of people who use calorie control, eat less and move more to lose weight will fail or regain the weight.
Because eating less and moving more for too long, metabolism will easily drop, hormones will easily become imbalanced, and muscle mass will easily be lost. Even if you lose 10 kilograms, you will easily regain weight.
When losing weight, the body is like a factory
For me, the key to long-term weight loss and maintaining good posture is the environment in the body, such as hormones, the level of inflammation in the body, and the gastrointestinal system.
Think of the body as a factory
-Your hormones are the managers and workers of factory operations
-Inflamed condition is how good factory machinery and hardware are
-Calorie intake is wages for factories as well as fuel
If the manager of this factory is an idiot, or if the hardware in your factory is completely rotten, then no matter how it works, it will create a pile of waste. Just as our hormones are already out of balance and the level of inflammation in the body is very high, no matter how much you eat, if you don’t solve the existing problems, it will easily accumulate into fat. It may be easier to understand with a few examples.
Hormones vs Weight Loss
This study looked at the effects of sleep and weight loss
Research source:
Both groups of humans were calorie-restricted, but one group slept 5.5 hours a night and the other 8.5 hours. Both groups lost weight, but the group that slept less lost 55 percent less body fat and 65 percent more muscle mass than the group that slept more. It is equivalent to losing weight, but most of the loss is muscle mass, which reduces metabolism and makes it easy to regain weight later.
There is such a big difference mainly because poor sleep has a negative impact. The imbalance of the secretion of these things will easily increase fat and reduce muscle.
This next study looks at the effect of insulin sensitivity on body composition!
Research source:
Basically, many chronic metabolic diseases, obesity, and poor muscle-building effects are closely related to low insulin sensitivity. Insulin is an anti-catabolic hormone whose main function is to store nutrients in cells. For example, after heavy training, our muscles will be more sensitive to insulin, and the nutrients we eat will be more easily absorbed into the muscles. When insulin sensitivity is low, the nutrients we eat are more likely to be stored as fat rather than absorbed into muscles.
We can simply say that the nutrients in the food eaten by people who are insulin insensitive are more likely to be stored as fat, and the relative fat mass will be much higher than the muscle mass.
To put it simply, the key to losing weight is actually to improve hormones, improve inflammation in the body, and add an appropriate calorie deficit. It is not difficult to achieve a calorie deficit. What is more difficult is how to choose the type of food that suits your body to improve hormones and achieve a long-term good body.
If you only pursue short-term weight loss and rely on a lot of calorie deficits to achieve the effect of weight loss, and then the hormones are still the same after the loss, then I can guarantee that you will gain weight very easily.
With so many ways to eat on the internet, which diet should I try?
When talking about losing weight in Taiwan 30 years ago, everyone would definitely want to use boiled meals
When it came to losing weight five years ago, everyone might think of using a low-sugar diet. When it came to losing weight in the past two or three years, everyone might directly think of the ketogenic diet.
I lost 30kg in 3 months on a low-sugar diet myself for the first time, so I used to believe that a low-sugar diet was the best way to lose weight
But after my long-term understanding of weight loss-related research, genetic cognition, and observation of students, there is no diet that is most suitable for everyone! Although it is said that high-carbohydrate foods will most stimulate insulin secretion, which in turn promotes the storage of nutrients into fat, some people are naturally good at metabolizing carbohydrates, so they can still be healthy and strong after eating high-carbohydrate throughout their lives.
For example, this study compared the responses of people with high and low insulin sensitivity to high- and low-carb diets.
Research source:
The study concluded:
-For people with high insulin sensitivity, eating high-carb and low-fat to lose weight is very helpful
-However, people who are insulin insensitive use a high-carb low-fat diet to lose fat, but the weight loss effect is not so good.
But on the contrary, studies have also shown that people with low insulin sensitivity have a very good weight loss effect on a low-carb high-fat diet, which shows that improving insulin is very important for weight loss, and it also shows that people with insulin insensitivity are more suitable
Lose weight with a high-carb diet.
So if you have been obese for a long time, you know that you eat carbohydrates easily, or you know that you have diabetes in your family and want to lose fat, then I would suggest that you can start by reducing carbohydrates, which is what we call low carb diet!